Pleasant Mount Farm Greenhouse
Pleasant Mount Farm Greenhouse
Our Plants
Pleasant Mount Farm has an unsurpassed variety of vegetable plants. Many are heirloom varieties - old favorites like Early Jersey Wakefield, Ruby Giant, Rutgers, Italian Flat Leaf ... And, many are new strains with disease-resistance (Late Blight Resistant!) or characteristics that keep them from bolting or developing a bitter taste - the Mountain series, Calypso cilantro. All our vegetable starts and herb packs and plants are Certified Organic.
It is always fun to look at the catalogues in the fall and begin to assemble the new plants that are part of the spring experience at the greenhouse. Check out the lists on the links.
May 5: Many varieties are still being transplanted. All will be ready when the ground warms up in two weeks.
Bright red, dark red, pinkish red, yellow, streaked, marbled, orange, round.
Here is a link for the 2024 list of tomato varieties in alphabetical order. This may be revised as we transplant.
Here is a link for the 2024 list of tomato varieties by type (paste, cherry...)
Onions and Other Alia, Brassicas
Onions, leeks, shallots, scallions are planted and have all gotten their first and second haircuts.The list of 2024 allium starts list is here.
Cabbages, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, cauliflower. The list of 2024 brassicas will be up soon.